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The purpose of our research

Highly-efficient, special, multi-purpose weapon for land-, air-, territorial and independent armed forces. Its task is to destroy - with its shell, which delivers significantly (5-8 times) greater energy comparing with the ammunition of the conventionally used small arms - the enemy's important pinpoint targets, armoured rifle troops, light shelters and buildings, radio-electronic constructions, missile launchers and hovering helicopters within a 600-800m shooting range.In case of urban warfare/conflict it can be used for demolishing the enemy's firing positions in buildings, weapons under cover and armoured rifle troops, which are manoeuvring on the streets. It is suitable both for squads and independent units. Due to its small arm categorisation, its weight and portability, make it an ideal heavy weapon for the parachute, airmobile and territorial troops. It is also a highly effective small arm in repelling terrorist action. As this type of action is common in the field today, we believe it would play a key role according to the new North-Atlantic strategy, considering its significant destructive force, combined with formidable accuracy. Important hostile targets can be neutralised safely within a 2000m range. It is also a highly efficiency, bodyguard-weapon for protection of important target personnel, which can extend significantly the firing range of the safe-zone around the target person, as an attack by a light armoured combat vehicle can be repulsed - by quick fire - within 300m. It is also suitable to repulse the so-called, "self-propelled (suicide) bombs," which are installed in vehicles, with even one shot to the power of the vehicle outside the effect of the (non-nuclear) bomb.


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